A Natural Solution to Aging
Acupuncture is slowly becoming recognized as an effective treatment for ailments such as migraines, arthritis, sciatic pain, etc. However, few people recognize the cosmetic benefits of acupuncture.
Cosmetic acupuncture, also called acupuncture facelift, is a natural and rejuvenating procedure designed to reduce the signs of aging. Each treatment includes the insertion of hair-sized needles into specific acupoints on the patient’s problem areas. Based on the principles of Chinese medicine, these needles are used to stimulate the Qi along meridians, which revitalize the body’s natural healing energy for utmost well-being and beauty. Using Western ideology however, cosmetic acupuncture can be understood as using tiny needles to stimulate the weakened facial muscles that cause wrinkles and sagging skin. As a result, these muscles regain their original firmness and tone, resulting in a healthier and younger appearance.
While cosmetic acupuncture is not a direct replacement for surgery, it is an admirable alternative. It is a natural and relatively painless process that causes no physical trauma to the patient, and is also considerably less expensive. Through treatments, lines and wrinkles may become diminished, while the puffy and sagging appearance of the skin may be reduced. Acupuncture is also a great method to reduce stress, resulting in an increase of energy and an overall appearance of radiance for the patient. Cosmetic acupuncture is suitable for both men and women. The effects of the acupuncture facelift are experienced over a series of treatments and vary with individuals.